GlimmerBlocker Logo


HTTP based ad blocker for Mac OS X

No hacks, no instability
Upgrade Safari whenever you like, no need to wait for an upgraded hack

GlimmerBlocker is no longer maintained and should no longer be used as web sites have migrated from using plain http to using https (i.e. encrypted) which prohibits modification by a proxy unless you resort to install custom SSL certiticates on the client.

You should use a browser extension instead.

It was made as a hobby project during 2007-2008 by Peter Speck. It features both a custom http server and http client and a Mac OS X control panel.

GlimmerBlocker did not only block requests but also allowed for adding custom css and javascript to the pages. It also allowed for modification of the page html before the browser receives the html, which made some modifications much easier than DOM based modifications.

Google Drive

Google Drive has two bugs:

  1. It ignores the proxy port number, so it always contacts the proxy on port 80 no matter what.
  2. It ignores the settings for "Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts & Domains".

So the usual workaround for buggy apps to add hosts to the "Bypass" list doesn't work for Google Drive. Thus, there is no official/recommended way to get Google Drive to work when using GlimmerBlocker.

You should pester Google about those bugs so they will get fixed, e.g. in its forums.


The non-recommended hack

There is one workaround, but I cannot recommend this for most users as it entails modifying important system files and using command line as root using

First, create a file named /etc/apache2/other/googledrive.conf with the following content:

ProxyRequests On
<Proxy *>
	Deny from all
	Allow from 127.0.0

Note: I've had trouble with apache not starting if I add a "Order Deny, Allow" line. My test showed that it uses this order by default, so I've left it out.

You can only create the file as root, so copy the above into the clipboard and run the commands:

pbpaste | sudo sh -c 'cat > /etc/apache2/other/googledrive.conf'

Verify the content of the file using:

cat /etc/apache2/other/googledrive.conf

It's very important that this command shows that the file has the above content.

Now start apache. There is no longer a option for this in the sharing control panel, so you need to run the command:

sudo apachectl restart

This will not keep apache running after a restart of the Mac, so you need to issue this command after each restart.

Removing the hack

When Google has fixed the bugs, you should remove the above. Use the following commands:

sudo rm /etc/apache2/other/googledrive.conf
sudo apachectl stop